22:31 UTC
Notice to our customers

Notice to our customers

Dear Valued Customer

Notice- Relating to Interactive Gaming

Amazon Betting, a Seychelles Investment Board approved project commenced operations in 2010 and is licensed under Seychelles Licensing Authority.

Amazon Betting offers it online slots and casino games using licensed international service providers. These providers offer these services globally to similar operators like ourselves.

We simply added these systems with advancement of technology to offer our customers a wider choice and better range of products and services in par with all International providers who offer similar services. At the time there was no specific local legislation guiding these services.

These games (slots games and live dealers) now fall under interactive gaming since the change in legislation in Seychelles and we have been in a long application process for such a license with local regulator. This segment is regulated by Financial Service Authority and they have requested us to refrain from offering these services till our license is officially granted and unfortunately it is taking longer than expected to obtain the license from the authority.

Note the rest of the betting products are offered under the Seychelles Licensing Authority, Betting license.

We did get approval in principle from FSA in 2019, however the new management wants us to refrain from offering these until they have finalized the license process. The rest of the online products relating to betting will remain available on our website

 As such we will be disabling all these products (live dealers and Slot games) till our license is officially granted as from Friday the 11th Feb 2022. Our online betting products will remain available on our website and in shop.

Thanking you for your understanding and continued support.

